In this crazy world of political, social, financial and environmental upheaval, there are a few rational voices left among the top seats of power in this nation. And today, I got to stand beside one of my favorites: Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor. A life-long servant of the public interest and fairness in the legal system, she is only one of four women to have held a seat on The High Court, and the first of Hispanic descent (Puerto Rican), and also is also a prominent member of the Type 1 diabetes community (since age 7); where she offers words of encouragement to kids especially who feel different or at a disadvantage. Not to put her career and long-fought-for achievements aside, but being a person with autoimmunity and diabetes in such a high profile position of authority and responsibility … you can’t beat that. She’s also my neighbor, but I have never really seen her since the news reported that she had bought a condo around the corner.